25 Best Movies like The Hating Game: You Must Watch

Romantic comedies have the power to lift our spirits, make us laugh, and leave us swooning over delightful love stories. If you love watching movies like The Hating Game, then you’ll surely enjoy these 25 best movies like the hating game that share a similar theme of love, rivalry, and undeniable chemistry between the lead characters. From quirky office romances to charming meet-cutes , these films have it all. So, get ready to dive into a world of laughter, emotions, and heartwarming moments.

25 Best Movies Like The Hating Game

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“10 Things I Hate About You” (1999)

Movies Like The Hating Game

In this modern adaptation of Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew,” sparks fly between Kat and Patrick in a high school setting. With witty banter, memorable characters, and a charming love story, this film is an absolute delight. 10 Things I Hate About You is a timeless classic that perfectly captures the essence of romance and teenage angst  just as movies like the hating game.

“You’ve Got Mail” (1998)

Movies Like The Hating Game

In this heartwarming tale, two rival booksellers, Kathleen and Joe, unknowingly fall in love through anonymous emails. As they become closer online, they’re unaware of their real-life rivalry. You’ve Got Mail is a beautiful blend of modern technology and old-fashioned romance.

Trivia: The film is a remake of the 1940 film “The Shop Around the Corner.”

“The Proposal” (2009)

movies like the hating game

Margaret Tate, a high-powered executive, faces deportation to Canada and convinces her assistant, Andrew, to marry her. This leads to comical situations, unexpected romance, and a journey of self-discovery. The Proposal is a hilarious and heartwarming romantic comedy just as movies like the hating game.

“When Harry Met Sally” (1989)

movies like the hating game

Harry and Sally meet when they share a car ride to New York after college. Over the years, they keep bumping into each other, leading to a deep friendship that blossoms into something more. This film is a classic depiction of how love can evolve over time.

“Set It Up” (2018)

Harper and Charlie, two overworked assistants, team up to set their bosses up in an attempt to get some free time. But little do they know that their own chemistry is undeniable. Set It Up is a delightful rom-com that captures the essence of finding love in unexpected places.

“The Ugly Truth” (2009)

movie like the hating game

Abby Richter, a romantically challenged TV producer, is forced to work with the chauvinistic host Mike Chadway. Their professional clashes turn into hilarious moments as Abby discovers some unexpected truths about relationships.

“Leap Year” (2010)

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Anna plans to propose to her boyfriend on February 29th, a leap year tradition in Ireland. But her journey takes an unexpected turn as she encounters charming innkeeper Declan. Leap Year is a heartwarming rom-com set amidst the beautiful Irish landscape.

“The Holiday” (2006)

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Two women, Iris and Amanda, swap homes during the holiday season to escape their respective heartbreaks. While on their vacations, they find love in unexpected places, leading to a journey of self-discovery and second chances.

“The Devil Wears Prada” (2006)

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Aspiring journalist Andy Sachs lands a job as an assistant to the formidable fashion magazine editor Miranda Priestly. The Devil Wears Prada is a hilarious yet insightful film about finding the right balance between ambition and personal life & is a timeless classic that perfectly captures the essence of romance and teenage angst  just as movies like the hating game. If your heart craves for adventure and thrills then you must not miss the TV shows like the Game of Thrones.

“Crazy Rich Asians” (2018)

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Rachel accompanies her boyfriend, Nick, to Singapore for his best friend’s wedding, only to discover that he belongs to one of the richest families in the country. Crazy Rich Asians is a visually stunning rom-com that delves into family dynamics and cultural differences.

“How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” (2003)

Andie, a magazine writer, starts dating Benjamin as part of an article on how to lose a guy in 10 days. However, their love story takes an unexpected turn as they begin to fall for each other.

“Love, Simon” (2018)

movies like the hating game

Simon, a closeted gay high school student, finds comfort in exchanging anonymous emails with another student who’s also grappling with his identity. Love, Simon is a heartwarming coming-of-age tale that celebrates love and acceptance.

“Never Been Kissed” (1999)

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Josie Geller, an undercover journalist, goes back to high school for a story but ends up experiencing the ups and downs of teenage romance all over again. Never Been Kissed is a sweet and nostalgic rom-com.

“The Princess Diaries” (2001)

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Mia Thermopolis, a shy and clumsy teenager, discovers that she’s the heir to the throne of Genovia. The Princess Diaries is a heartwarming tale about finding one’s true identity while navigating the challenges of royalty.

“Sweet Home Alabama” (2002)

Melanie, a successful fashion designer in New York City, returns to her small-town roots in Alabama to finalize her divorce. But her journey back home forces her to confront her past and the unfinished business with her childhood sweetheart.

“Bridget Jones’s Diary” (2001)

movies like the hating game

Bridget Jones, a single woman in her 30s, starts keeping a diary to sort out her life and romantic entanglements. Bridget Jones’s Diary is a hilarious and endearing film about embracing imperfections and finding love.

“The Big Sick” (2017)

Based on a true story, The Big Sick follows the journey of a Pakistani comedian, Kumail, and an American graduate student, Emily, as their budding romance faces a major hurdle when Emily falls seriously ill.

“27 Dresses” (2008)

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Jane, a woman who’s always a bridesmaid but never a bride, secretly harbors feelings for her boss. When her sister becomes engaged to him, Jane must confront her feelings and discover what she truly wants in life.

“About Time” (2013)

Tim discovers that the men in his family have the ability to time travel. About Time is a heartwarming film that explores the complexities of love, family, and the importance of cherishing every moment.

“The Fault in Our Stars” (2014)

movies like the hating game

Hazel and Gus, two teenagers with cancer, find solace in each other’s company and embark on a bittersweet journey that challenges their perceptions of life and love. The Fault in Our Stars is a poignant and emotional love story.

“Isn’t It Romantic” (2019)

movies like the hating game

Natalie, a cynic towards romantic comedies, wakes up one day in an alternate reality where she’s the leading lady in her own rom-com. Isn’t It Romantic is a hilarious satire on romantic comedy tropes.

“Crazy, Stupid, Love.” (2011)

Cal, a middle-aged man going through a divorce, meets the smooth-talking Jacob, who helps him rediscover his self-confidence and ventures into the world of dating again. Crazy, Stupid, Love. is a heartwarming tale of love and self-discovery that perfectly captures the essence of romance and teenage angst  just as movies like the hating game.

“La La Land” (2016)

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Mia, an aspiring actress, and Sebastian, a jazz musician, fall in love while trying to pursue their artistic dreams in Los Angeles. La La Land is a visually stunning and emotionally gripping musical romance.

“Serendipity” (2001)

Jonathan and Sara meet by chance in New York City and feel an instant connection. However, they decide to leave their future to fate and part ways, hoping destiny will bring them back together.

“The Notebook” (2004)

movie like the hating game

The Notebook follows the love story of Noah and Allie, a couple whose passion and devotion stand the test of time. This emotional roller coaster of a film will leave you with tears of joy and longing.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can you recommend more movies like The Hating Game?

Absolutely! Apart from the 25 movies mentioned in this article, there are many other wonderful romantic comedies worth exploring. Some honorable mentions include “Silver Linings Playbook,” “The Wedding Planner,” and “Two Weeks Notice.”

2. Are these movies suitable for all ages?

Most of the movies listed here are suitable for a general audience, but some may have content that is more appropriate for mature viewers. It’s always a good idea to check the film’s rating or read reviews to ensure it aligns with your preferences.

3. Do these movies have happy endings?

Yes, most romantic comedies have happy endings, as they aim to leave the audience with a sense of joy and satisfaction. While there may be some twists and turns along the way, rest assured that love triumphs in the end.

4. Which of these movies is the best for a girls’ night in?

For a fun and heartwarming girls’ night in, movies like “Bridget Jones’s Diary,” “The Holiday,” and “27 Dresses” offer a perfect blend of laughter, friendship, and love that will make your movie night memorable.

5. Are any of these movies based on books?

Yes, some of these movies are adaptations of novels. For example, “You’ve Got Mail” is based on the play “Parfumerie” by Mikes László, and “The Princess Diaries” is based on the book series by Meg Cabot.

6. Can I watch these movies with my partner?

Absolutely! Romantic comedies are perfect for couples looking to enjoy a cozy movie night together. These films offer a mix of romance, comedy, and heartfelt moments that both you and your partner will appreciate.


The magic of romantic comedies lies in their ability to make us believe in love, destiny, and the power of human connection. The 25 best movies like The Hating Game capture these sentiments perfectly, taking us on a journey of laughter, tears, and heartwarming emotions.

Whether you’re a fan of classic rom-coms or enjoy modern takes on love stories, these films are sure to leave you with a warm and fuzzy feeling. So, grab some popcorn, curl up on the couch, and embark on a delightful movie marathon filled with love, laughter, and happy endings.

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